Brown Fused Alumina,a type of Artificial Corundum

Corundum a cristalline form of Aluminium Oxide with minor contents of titanium,iron and chromium. Corundum is a transparent natrual material which features its brilliant color, hardness and high density. It has hardness of 9 which is higher than very most other minerals.

In 1837, synthetic corundum was made by fusing alumin at a very high temperature.Brown Fused Alumina(also named Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide) is a type of electrofused artificial corundum made by fusing process of bauxite, together with other elements in electric arc furnaces. Fusion under very high temperature make the materials in the furnaces liquid materials. The materials are then cooled down and become crystal forms with high hardness and density. So Brown Fused Alumina is also called Brown Corundum,in other languages Korund, Corindon Marron etc. White Fused Alumina is a also a electrofused corundum made by fusing of alumina powder under high temperature. Also called White Corundum, Korund, Corindon Blanco etc.

Brown Fused Alumina and White Fused Alumina are the most important artificial corundum in industry minerals widely used in refractory products, unshaped refractories,sandblasting media,grinding media,abrasives grains etc.

Artificial Brown Corundum(Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide)

Artificial Brown Corundum(Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide)

White Corundum(White Fused Aluminium Oxide)

White Corundum(White Fused Aluminium Oxide)

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