Factories of Brown Fused Alumina, White Fused Alumina, Silicon Carbide and other minerals and metal processing industries have been shut down by government for environment check. Local government has excuted strict check on environment protection facilities related to water, air etc of the factories in Henan areas. Their aim is to be sure that these factories have suitable and workable environment protection facilities. Factories which do not abey such rules will be closed, or shut down for update. Not sure how long this campaine will last, but some say maybe 2 months.
Henan Province is the most manufacturing base of Brown Fused Alumina, White Fused Alumina and other refractory and abrasives minerals of China. Untill now 95% of them have been shut down with no production. Most local companies are now selling their stocks, while possible that will run out of stock if this situation continues for one month or more. Price of Brown and White Fused Alumina have not seen dramatic increase, but some sizes are difficult to buy.
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