Brown Fused Alumina Introduction,Properties,Specifications,Applications


Brown Fused Alumina under microscope

Brown Fused Alumina(BFA),also calleded Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide,Brown Aluminum Oxide or Brown Corundum,named by its mainly brown color, is an artificial electro fused corundum obtained from reduced fusion of high quality bauxite together with other raw materials in 2000℃ electric arc furnaces. Bauxite used for producing of BFA contains high Aluminium Oxide(Al2O3). After the fusion process, the materials are mixed and fused into liquid materials, then cooled down and crushed(milled)into lump sizes. The lump sizes are then crushed into finer grades or powders and refined by sieving equipment into materials of different particle distribution for different applications. Learn more about Brown Fused Alumina Manufacturing Process. We also select quality Brown Fused Alumina for further processing like Heat Treatment, Micro Grits Fine Grade Manufacturing(Sieve by Water). Brown Fused Alumina is an important material for abrasives,refractory and blasting industries used for different applications. It’s a hard,tough,abrasion-resistant,heat-resistant,dense material. We make according to FEPA,JIS,GB,ISO standard to customers in different industries and countries. 0-1mm,1-3,3-5mm etc for refractories, FEPA F sizes for bonded abrasives aluminium oxide tools, FEPA P sizes for coated abrasives aluminium oxide products. It’s an important industrial abrasives,refractory minerals and sandblasting media. The Brown Fused Alumina we make are with fine sieve distribution, good chemical contents and bulk density for high quality abrasives and refractory applications, also a nice media for sandblasting,shot blasting, polishing,painting etc. Similar materials we make are White Fused Alumina and Vice White Fused Alumina.


BFA Characters


Brown Fused Alumina contains 94%-97% Aluminium Oxide(Al2O3) which makes it an material which resists high temperature,corrosion and has good thermal conductivity. It is an ideal raw mineral for shaped and unshaped refractory products and fireproof products, especially in steel making industry.

High Hardness

Brown Fused Alumina has about 95% Aluminium Oxide(Al2O3) which makes it have high hardness(Mosh 9). High hardness makes it an ideal material for cutting,polishing,grinding,sand blasting etc with more recycle times and not easy to break.

High Strength

Brown Fused Alumina contains Al2O3 and little content of Titanium Oxide(TiO2) and Iron Oxide(Fe2O3) and is a very tough material with 9 grade mosh hardness. This character makes it good for cutting, abrasives, polishing, lapping of various materials and can be used durably and recycled.

Sharp Grain

During fusion, Brown Fused Alumina is made a crystal material with sharp edges and ideal for durable grinding, polishing and abrasives.During blasting industry, BFA grains are used as a blasting media to prepare surface of metal,ceramic,wood and other materials. Our Bamarc Mill can produce round shape/cubic/blocky shapes,better for abrasies and with higher density.

High Density

Brown Fused Alumina is a dense material with high bulk density and true gravity. It is used as a material in casting and water purifying processes.

Clean Material

We wash the BFA materials by air,water or acid and remove magnetic contents by powerful magnetic removing equipment to make sure that our materials are with little dust and magnetic contents. Dust and magnetic content may cause cracks on refractory bricks or grinding wheels, and may cause possible contamination to surfaces blasted or even explosion without professional care.

Fine Particle Distribution

We make Brown Fused Alumina exactly according to FEPA, China GB, Japan JIS, American ANSI or International ISO standard on Brown Fused Alumina Macro Grits and Micro Grits so that our materials are with fine particle distribution grits. And we check our sieves against standard from time to time. Our QC people check particle distribution every 2 hours during production.


BFA Properties

Physical Specifications
Color Brown
Grain Shape Angular or Sharp Edged
Mosh Hardness 9
Melting Point 1950℃
True Gravity 3.6g/cm3-4.1g/cm3
Bulk Density 1.5g/cm3-2.2g/cm3


Chemical Specifications
Aluminium Oxide(Al2O3) 93.5%-97% depending on sizes
Iron Oxide(Fe2O3) 0.3%max
Titanium Oxide(TiO2) 1.8%-2.5%
Silicon Oxide(SiO2) 1.5%max

 Special Treatment/Process

Heat Treatment, Shape Improve, Acid Wash, Water Wash, Brown Fused Alumina Micro Grit Fines(F280-F2500)

Brown Fused Alumina fused in Tilting Furnace with higher Aluminum Oxide content and less impurities.


BFA Standard Sizes & Applications

Refractory Bricks,Furnace Lining,Crucibles,Pre-Casting,Gunning Material,Refractory Mortars,Refractory Castables:



Typical Particle Distribution(Sieving) and Chemcial Specifications

Typical Particle Distribution Grit# MaximumSize Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size
0-1mm 0 6
1-3mm 0 6 3
3-5mm 0 6 2.5
5-10mm 0 7 2.5
Typical Chemical Analysis SiO2 AL2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 Fixed Furnace Material
0-1mm 1.38% 95.19% 0.16% 2.22%
1-3mm 1.34% 95.21% 0.17% 2.15%
3-5mm 1.36% 95.23% 0.14% 2.18%
5-10mm 1.37% 95.35% 0.15% 2.19%
SiO2 AL2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 Tilting Furnace Material
0-1mm 1.01% 95.55% 0.13% 2.13%
1-3mm 0.98% 95.66% 0.12% 1.98%
3-5mm 0.94% 95.59% 0.13% 1.95%
5-10mm 0.93% 95.70% 0.10% 1.92%


Resin or Vitrifed Bonded Abrasives,Grinding Wheels,Cutting Discs,Lapping,Sandblasting,Polishing,Aluminium Oxide Coating,Aluminium Oxide Painting:

FEPA Sizes: F8,F10,F12,F14,F16,F20,F22,F24,F30,F36,F40,F46,F54,F60,F70,F80,F90,F100,F120,F150,F180,F220,F280,F320,F400,F500,F600,F800,F1000,F1200,F1500

Brown Fused Alumina FEPA Sizes for Bonded Abrasives and Blasting(Fixed Furnace)

Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F12 +2.80 +2.00 +1.70 +1.40 -1.18 AL2O3 95.50%
Standard 0% 0-20% 45-100% 70-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.40%
Sample 1 0 12 59 87 0.5 TIO2 2.39%
Sample 2 0 12 59 87 0.5 Fe2O3 0.17%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F14 +2.36 +1.70 +1.40 +1.18 -1.00 AL2O3 95.30%
Standard 0% 0-20% 45-100% 70-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 5 62 91 0.5 TIO2 2.33%
Sample 2 0 5 62 91 0.5 Fe2O3 0.14%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F16 +2.00 +1.40 +1.18 +1.00 -0.85 AL2O3 95.45%
Standard 0% 0-20% 45-100% 70-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 5 52 81 0.5 TIO2 2.33%
Sample 2 0 5 52 81 0.5 Fe2O3 0.14%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F20 +1.70 +1.18 +1.00 +0.85 -0.710 AL2O3 95.34%
Standard 0% 0-20% 45-100% 70-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 8 56 88 0.5 TIO2 2.38%
Sample 2 0 8 56 88 0.5 Fe2O3 0.18%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F22 +1.40 +1.00 +0.85 +0.710 -0.600 AL2O3 95.37%
Standard 0% 0-20% 45-100% 70-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 7 51 82 0.5 TIO2 2.30%
Sample 2 0 7 51 82 0.5 Fe2O3 0.15%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F24 +1.18 +0.85 +0.71 +0.60 -0.50 AL2O3 95.27%
Standard 0% 0-25% 45-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.38%
Sample 1 0 15 53 82 0.5 TIO2 2.34%
Sample 2 0 15 53 82 0.5 Fe2O3 0.14%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F30 +1.00 +0.71 +0.60 +0.50 -0.425 AL2O3 95.22%
Standard 0% 0-25% 45-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 16 57 76 0.5 TIO2 2.21%
Sample 2 0 15 57 75 0.5 Fe2O3 0.20%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F36 +0.85 +0.60 +0.50 +0.425 -0.355 AL2O3 95.33%
Standard 0% 0-25% 45-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 6 50 88 0.5 TIO2 2.35%
Sample 2 0 6 50 88 0.5 Fe2O3 0.16%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F40 +0.710 +0.500 +0.425 +0.355 -0.300 AL2O3 95.20%
Standard 0% 0-30% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 5 53 82 0.5 TIO2 2.29%
Sample 2 0 5 53 82 0.5 Fe2O3 0.14%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F46 +0.60 +0.425 +0.355 +0.300 -0.250 AL2O3 95.30%
Standard 0% 0-30% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.37%
Sample 1 0 4 45 85 0.5 TIO2 2.29%
Sample 2 0 4 45 85 0.5 Fe2O3 0.17%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F60 +0.425 +0.30 +0.25 +0.212 -0.18 AL2O3 95.25%
Standard 0% 0-30% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.37%
Sample 1 0 12 53 83 1.0 TIO2 2.28%
Sample 2 0 12 53 83 1.0 Fe2O3 0.15%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F70 +0.355 +0.250 +0.212 +0.180 -0.150 AL2O3 95.18%
Standard 0% 0-25% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 17 52 80 0.5 TIO2 2.30%
Sample 2 0 17 52 80 0.5 Fe2O3 0.12%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F80 +0.300 +0.212 +0.180 +0.150 -0.125 AL2O3 95.24%
Standard 0% 0-25% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.40%
Sample 1 0 21 45 75 0.5 TIO2 2.35%
Sample 2 0 21 45 75 05 Fe2O3 0.18%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F90 +0.250 +0.180 +0.150 +0.125 -0.106 AL2O3 95.06%
Standard 0% 0-20% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.33%
Sample 1 0 9 52 87 0.5 TIO2 2.45%
Sample 2 0 9 52 87 0.5 Fe2O3 0.14%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F100 +0.212 +0.150 +0.125 +0.106 -0.075 AL2O3 95.17%
Standard 0% 0-20% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.38%
Sample 1 0 13 50 78 0.5 TIO2 2.31%
Sample 2 0 13 50 78 0.5 Fe2O3 0.15%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F120 +0.180 +0.125 +0.106 +0.090 -0.063 AL2O3 95.01%
Standard 0% 0-20% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.40%
Sample 1 0 4 50 87 0.5 TIO2 2.37%
Sample 2 0 4 50 87 0.5 Fe2O3 0.15%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F150 +0.150 +0.106 +0.075 +0.063 -0.045 AL2O3 94.28%
Standard 0% 0-15% 40-100% 65-100% 0-3% SIO2 1.42%
Sample 1 0 4 70 83 0.5 TIO2 2.39%
Sample 2 0 4 70 83 0.5 Fe2O3 0.16%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F180 +0.125 +0.090 +0.063 +0.053 AL2O3 95.04%
Standard 0% 0-15% 40-100% 65-100% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 7 50 76 TIO2
  1. 39%
Sample 2 0 7 50 76 Fe2O3 0.16%
Physical Analysis Grit# Max Size Big Size Basic Size Mixed Size Small Size Chemical Analysis
F220 +0.106 +0.075 +0.053 +0.045 AL2O3 94.81 %
Standard 0% 0-15% 40-100% 60-100% SIO2 1.39%
Sample 1 0 6 50 78 TIO2
  1. 45%
Sample 2 0 6 50 78 Fe2O3 0.16%

Coated Abrasives,Sandpaper,Sandbelt: P8-P220

Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P20 +1.70 +1.18 +1.00 +0.850 +0.710
Standard 0% 0-7% 42±8% 86±6% 96% 4
036 0 5.5 41.8 83.7 98.5 1.5
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P24 +1.40 +1.00 +0.850 +0.710 +0.600
Standard 0% 0-1% 14±4% 61±9% 92% 8
057 0 0.1 12.5 71.9 97.6 2.4
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P30 +1.18 +0.850 +0.710 +0.600 +0.500
Standard 0% 0-1% 14±4% 61±9% 92% 8
037 0 0 13.5 70 94.6 5.4
038 0 0 15.5 70 96.6 3.4
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P36 +1.00 +0.710 +0.600 +0.500 +0.425
Standard 0% 0-1% 14±4% 61±9% 92% 8
062 0 1 13.5 56.9 94.8 5.2
012 0 0.9 14 54.9 94 6
040 0 0 13.5 55.4 94.8 5.2
066 0 0.4 12.5 55.4 95.3 4.7
021 0 0.4 13 54.9 95.3 4.7
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P40 +0.710 +0.500 +0.425 +0.355 +0.300
Standard 0% 0-7% 42±8% 86±6% 96% 4
069 0 5.3 44.8 90 99 1
061 0 4.3 44.3 89 99 1
058 0 5.3 46.8 90 99 1
059 0 5.3 47.8 89 99 1
060 0 5.3 47.3 88.5 99 1
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P50 +0.600 +0.425 +0.355 +0.300 +0.250
Standard 0% 0-3% 26±6% 75±9% 96% 4
065 0 2.3 24.1 75.5 97.7 2.3
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P60 +0.500 +0.355 +0.300 +0.250 +0.212
Standard 0% 0-1% 14±4% 61±9% 92% 8
032 0 0 12.4 65.8 94.8 5.2
033 0 0 13.4 69.8 96.8 3.2
034 0 0 12.4 65.8 95.7 4.3
035 0 0 12.4 65.8 95.7 4.3
046 0 0 15.4 65.8 94.8 5.2
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P80 +0.355 +0.250 +0.212 +0.180 +0.150
Standard 0% 0-3% 26±6% 75±9% 96% 4
014 0 0 24.9 75.4 97.7 2.3
067 0 0 24.9 74.4 97.2 2.8
068 0 0 24.9 74.4 96.7 3.3
044 0 0 27.9 78.9 97.7 2.3
013 0 0 24.9 74.4 97.2 2.8
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P100 +0.300 +0.212 +0.180 +0.150 +0.125
Standard 0% 0-1% 14±4% 61±9% 92% 8
029 0 0.1 12.7 68.9 96.2 3.8
027 0 0.1 13.2 65.9 95.7 4
028 0 0.1 12.2 64.9 96.2 3.8
030 0 0.1 11.2 65.9 96.2 3.8
045 0 0.1 12.2 65.8 96.2 3.8
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P120 +0.212 +0.150 +0.125 +0.106 +0.090
Standard 0% 0-7% 42±8% 86±6% 96% 4
059 0 0 36 83.1 99.2 0.8
061 0 0 36.5 83.1 99.2 0.8
039 0 0 36 85 99.2 0.8
031 0 0 36 85 99.2 0.8
037 0 0 36 83 99.2 0.8
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P150 +0.180 +0.125 +0.106 +0.090 +0.075
Standard 0% 0-3% 26±6% 75±9% 96% 4
033 0 1 30.4 76.6 98.2 1.8
060 0 1 30.4 76.5 98.2 1.8
063 0 2.5 22.4 79.1 98.7 1.3
038 0 2.5 22.4 79.7 98.7 1.3
065 0 1.5 21 76.1 98.2 1.8
057 0 1.5 23 78.1 98.2 1.8
058 0 1 22.4 76.1 98.7 1.3
062 0 1 23 76.1 98.7 1.3
064 0 2 24.4 79.6 98.3 1.3
047 0 2 24 78.6 98.7 1.3
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P180 +0.150 +0.106 +0.090 +0.075 +0.063
Standard 0% 0-2% 15±5% 62±12% 90% 10
051 0 0 13 73.6 95.3 4.7
050 0 0 13.5 73.6 95.3 4.7
048 0 0 13 73.6 95.3 4.7
049 0 0 13 73.1 96.3 3.7
046 0 0 13 73.1 96 4
Physical Analysis Grit# Q1 Q2Max Q3 Q4 Q5Min Q6Max
P220 +0.125 +0.090 +0.075 +0.063 +0.053
Standard 0% 0-2% 15±5% 62±12% 90% 10
054 0 0.9 19.4 67.5 95.5 4.5
065 0 0.9 19.4 66.5 95.5 4.5
032 0 0.9 18.9 67 95.5 4.5
034 0 0.9 18.7 67 95.5 4.5
036 0 0.7 19.1 66.5 95.5 4.5
053 0 0.7 18.6 66.5 95.5 4.5
052 0 0.6 18.4 67.5 95.5 4.5
035 0 0.3 18 67 95.5 4.5
055 0 0.9 18.7 67 95.5 4.5
066 0 0.3 18.5 65 95.5 4.5


Brown Fused Alumina MSDS

Brown Fused Alumina Test Reports



Big Bag of 1 Ton,1.2 Tons or 1.3 Tons

25kg Wooven Plastic Bag,40 Bags in a Big Bag

25kg Wooven Plastic Bag,40 Bags on a Wood Pallet

25kg Paper Bag,40 Bags on a Wood Pallet

Pictures of Packing


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