2015 China Abrasives Conference(Spring Version)Held in Hefei
From Mar.25-27th, China Abrasives Conference was held in Hefei City of Anhui Province. This conference was held consecutively for more than 30 years, which is a national event which attracts manufacturers and trading companies in abrasives industry like Grinding Wheels, Sand Papers, Sanding Belts, other abrasives tools, Brown Fused Alumina, White Fused Alumina, Pink Fused Alumina, Green Silicon Carbide, Black Silicon Carbide etc, as well as organizations involved in abrasives industry like China Abrasives Association, Laboratories, Traditional and New Media focusing on abrasives products and market.
This is the 15th year Shengyu take part in this event with our technical and sales people communicating with fellow companies to know more about product development and market information. 2014 abrasives market is low, however see growth in certain product like White Fused Alumina. In 2015, it is expected by attending experts that market will become steady in price and companies with quality and frontier products will win out. Abrasives media start to be used in many new industries and areas like casting, coatings etc.
On 26th, a few reports were held for distributing market information and conference for discussion. On 27th, a visit to Hefei local abrasives companies were arranged.
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